It’s getting weird.

thoughtful barber
3 min readApr 5, 2020
Photo by Eric T.

Shits weird eh?! How you doing? Feeling stressed? Cool as cuc? Somewhere in between?

There are lots of shitty things about this covid crisis. I’ve had to close the doors of my barber shop, that feels uncomfortable to say the least. The lessons times like these can teach us though, are some of the best we can use when times are tough and when they are great. Things like:

Enjoy the little things. The bike rides. Going outside for a walk has probably never felt so good.

It has also forced a lot of people that needed to, myself included, to SLOW DOWN! So maybe it’s being on the couch with a book or watching your fav YouTubes that you felt too guilty to before because there is just so much to do. Well there is less to do now and guess what you’re still okay.

Feeling overly guilty about something is like staring in your rearview mirror while driving expecting to get where you want to go. You’re never gunna get there, and you’re probably gunna get hurt. Sure take a glance. It’s good for that. I wish I had a better emergency fund built up before this happened, I wish I already had my online store up. That’s worth about 2.5 seconds of thought to spur you to take action, as soon as you spend .5 seconds telling yourself you’re a piece of shit because you should have already had those things done. It’s a waste of time! Do the thing you can do right now, thats all you can fuckin’ do!

Tell me something. How much more do your friends and fam mean to you right now? Do they not feel so precious? You can choose to feel those feels whenever you want.

Photo by Joseph Greve

A phrase humans say a lot is “I can’t stop thinking about it.” You are not subject to your thoughts. It’s the other way around. This is hard. I am not saying I don’t still get caught up in my own bullshit, because I do. I still look in the rearview mirror for too long sometimes. Sometimes I eat my own bullshit for breakie! But less than I used to. It’s a practice like going to the gym. Man, did I suck at gymin’ when i first started! You’re going to suck at redirecting your thoughts when you first start too. The trick is don’t call yourself an asshole when you fail, and fail, and fail. Talk to you like you would talk to a friend.

You deserve the same kindness you afford other people.

The magic of this is that the better you get at not beating yourself up for not doing it right. The better you’re going to get at getting anything you want to do. You’re going to get so much more accomplished because you’re not busy telling yourself you’re the scum of the earth. Yeah I know you do that! I used to do that too. And I still do sometimes, that voice may never go away but it gets quieter and you can get better at telling it to fuck off!!!

Oh and surround yourself with others that are doing these things. You are the average of your five closest friends. Having positive people around will rub off. The type of people that want the best for themselves and everyone else. Can’t find any? Locked away in quarantine all by your lonesome? Find some more happy stuff online. Curate your life, what you put in, comes back out.

Enjoy the little things.

Slow Down.

Glance at guilt, don’t sit beside it.

Find real friends in person or online.

