should you give advice?

thoughtful barber
2 min readAug 4, 2020

As a barber I get asked a lot what I would do.

Maybe you do too, maybe you’re in this game, or maybe you’re the person in your circle that everyone turns to for advice.

I’m going to walk you through how I give advice so I feel that I have helped but I also don’t have to feel the responsibility of any consequences that come from decisions that may be made

How is this possible?

I do these four things :


I empathize: “that sucks, that’s awesome” etc . Sometimes people just want recognition for being on this planet and going through what they are going through .


Socratic questioning: How did you feel about that? What is the benefit of doing this or that?What would the downside be? Why do you think that is important to you?


I talk about similar experiences that I may have had or friends my of had and what I or they did about it , what was helpful for me at the time what wasn’t.

If they are still talking about it


Remind them of resources available to them:

Remind them of what they do and do not have control over.

This is usually where suggest this book. “I watched this video and it literally rocked my worldview. Check it out.” I also talk a lot with my clients about my personal therapy, it helped me through some crazy dark times. These people are a personal trainer for your mind . It will take you longer to get gains on your own. I wouldn’t have been able to open my business without my therapist and it wouldn’t still be open today. Now that I am on the other side of tragedy and don’t have to deal with trauma every waking moment , I use my therapist to become mentally stronger. More focused. I have her hold me accountable to my goals and living by my values.

It is the best investment I made to date and the dividends will never stop paying me back.

